Keeping Up with the Kardashevians

The Mars Society 2020 virtual conference last month was a great success. There was record attendance, and lost of high profile guests; Robert Zubrin, founder of the society, has even suggested that some future conferences will be held in this format even after COVID no longer prevents meeting in person.

I was fortunate enough to be given a speaking slot, to explain my ideas on mass value. Here is a video of that talk and the brief Q&A session after. Given the audience, I aimed to make it a little more technical than my introductory blog post

There was a text chat alongside the video call that included some useful comments, and someone who coined the pun I used as a title for this blog. I can’t credit that person, or retrieve any of the other comments, as they appear to have vanished into the aether after the call finished. This would be my only major technical criticism of the conference.